Announcement of new, Direct Debit option for membership fees

For the first time in its history, MKBLP is offering members a new, flexible payment system to manage membership fees.

In a bid to simplify the payment process for members and offer an alternative to paying one lump sum annually, MKBLP is offering a Direct Debit option to help spread the cost of membership. Not only will this enable members to manage their cash flow more effectively, but it will also provide a more convenient solution to making the payment.

Full details of this will accompany the renewal invoice which will be sent out later this month.

Of course, for many businesses, the option of making one annual payment may remain their preferred choice, MKBLP is simply keen to offer flexibility and meet the needs of all members, particularly following such an unprecedented year.

The Direct Debit option offers many tangible benefits. From reducing administration time, to helping keep expenditure consistent. While researching alternative payment options for members, Direct Debit was seen as an increasingly viable and preferred option, particularly as no additional costs will be incurred.

Nicholas Mann, Chair of MKBLP, comments: “Our members are always looking at new and efficient ways to streamline their businesses and, as an organisation, we wanted to offer a flexible alternative to the membership payment system. It was also important to us to ensure that we help our members and make life as easy as possible for them after a difficult year.

While we will, of course, support those who wish to continue with the annual payment, our objective was to create an additional, straightforward option which would help members manage their cash flow more effectively.”
