Member's Breakfast briefing with Matthew John

Date: 19 Jul 2023
Time: 07:30 to 09:00

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With over 18 years of experience working for Business Improvement Districts (BID) Matthew worked with the Met Police Counter Terrorism Unit to develop the Hammersmith Business Continuity Plan, which has now been adapted for Milton Keynes. 

The Business Continuity Plan contains a step-by-step guide outlining the risks, management and quick recovery techniques businesses should follow after a major incident. Ensuring the safety of premises and staff is essential to MyMiltonKeynes and Matthew will highlight the importance of awareness, the potential threats along with discussing the steps which should be taken to strengthen a business and build resilience in the event of a major incident. 

What started out as a response to terrorism, Matthew recognised the myriad of vulnerabilities that businesses face which could have an equally detrimental impact on business when creating the Business Continuity Plan. Even a loss of reputation when having a brand associated with a negative response to an incident. 

Matthew’s aim is to give businesses food for thought, recognise the potential threats, and help them feel more prepared to address these.  

Matthew led MyMiltonKeynes’ successful 2nd Term renewal ballot and specialises in BID strategy, renewal campaigns, green infrastructure, engagement, and emergency planning. He was also behind the recent launch of the Milton Keynes Business Crime Partnership which currently has 50 members. 

This event is exclusive to MKBLP members, so book your place now.
